This chapter introduces the basic use of the various functions of the BDF, and gives basic examples of calculations and analysis of data readings for specific calculation functions.

First example RHF calculation for H2O molecules

Hartree-Fock is the most basic algorithm in quantum chemistry. In this subsection, we will guide the user through a BDF calculation and analyze the input and output information by using an example of Hartree-Fock calculation for a water molecule. Here, we first give the concise inputs to the BDF, and in order to understand the difference between the concise and advanced input modes of the BDF, we also give the advanced input file for each concise input.

Preparing Inputs

First, prepare the input file for the Hartree-Fock calculation of the single-point energy of water molecules, named h2o.inp, with the following input:


H  1  R1
H  1  R1  2 109.

R1=1.0     # input bond length with the default unit angstrom
End geometry
The input is interpreted as follows.:
  • The first line must start with #! followed by a string named, this can be any letter and array of words into a string, can not contain special characters other than . in addition to the special characters. The first line is the system reservation line, the user can use this string to mark the calculation task.

  • The second line, HF/3-21G is the calculation parameter control line for the BDF. HF stands for Hartree-Fock, and 3-21G specifies that the calculation uses the 3-21G basis group. The key parameter control line can be multiple consecutive lines.

  • The third row is an empty line and can be ignored. It is entered here to distinguish between different inputs and to enhance the readability of the input, and is recommended to be kept by the user.

  • The fourth and tenth lines are Geometry and End geometry , respectively, marking the start and end of the molecular geometry input, and the default unit of coordinates is angstrom.

  • The fifth through ninth lines enter the structure of the water molecule in the internal coordinate mode. (See Internal coordinate format for molecular structure input for details)

This simple input corresponds to the advanced BDF input as follows:

  H 1 1.0
  H 1 1.0 2 109.
End geometry
  3-21g  # set basis set as 3-21g


RHF       # Restrictive Hartree-Fock Method
Charge    # The charge of the molecule is set to 0, and the default calculation is for neutral molecules with zero charge
Spinmulti # spin-multiplicity 2S+1,the default calculation is for double electron system

As can be seen from the advanced input, BDF will execute the modules COMPASSXUANYUAN and SCF in order to complete the single-point energy calculation of the water molecule. COMPASS is used to read in the basic information such as molecular structure, basis functions, etc., determine the symmetry of the molecule, rotate the molecule to the standard orientation (Standard orientation,see the BDF use of group theory),generate the symmetry-adapted orbitals, etc., and store such information into the h2o.chkfil 。 The keywords in COMPASS are

  • The molecular structure defined between Geometry and End geometry;

  • Basis defines the basis group as 3-21G;

After executing the COMPASS module, BDF uses the XUANYUAN module to calculate the single and double electron integrals. Since the BDF defaults to the SCF method of repeated calculation of double electron integrals, i.e. Integral Direct SCF

Finally, the BDF executes the SCF module to complete the Hartree-Fock based self-consistent field calculation.

  • The RHF specifies the use of the restricted Hartree-Fock method;

  • Charge specifies that the charge of the system is 0;

  • Spinmulti specifies that the spin multi of the system is 1.

Here RHF is a mandatory keyword, and Charge and Spinmulti can be ignored for the restricted method.

Performing the calculation

To perform the calculation, a shell script named is prepared and placed in the directory where the input file h2o.inp is located. The contents are as follows.


# Set the BDF installation directory
export BDFHOME=/home/bsuo/bdf-pkg-pro
# Set the BDF temporary file storage directory
export BDF_TMPDIR=/tmp/$RANDOM

# Set the available heap memory to be unrestricted, which may be limited by system administration if computing in a supercomputing environment
ulimit -s unlimitted
# Set the available computation time to be unlimited, which may be limited by system administration if computing in a supercomputing environment
ulimit -t unlimitted

# Set the number of OpenMP parallel threads
# Set the OpenMP availale heap memory size
export OMP_STACKSIZE=1024M

# Perform BDF calculations, note that the default output is printed to standard output
$BDFHOME/sbin/ -r h2o.inp

The above is a Bash Shell script that defines some basic environment variables and executes the calculation using $BDFHOME/sbin/ The environment variables defined in the script are:

  • BDFHOME ariable specifies the directory where BDF is installed.

  • BDF_TMPDIR variable specifies the BDF runtime temporary file storage directory.

  • ulimit -s unlimitted sets the available stack area memory for the program to be unlimitted.

  • ulimit -t unlimitted sets the program execution time to be unlimited.

  • export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 sets the number of OpenMP threads available for parallel computation.

  • export OMP_STACKSIZE=1024M sets the available Stack area memory for OpenMP to be 1024 megabytes.

The command to perform the calculation is

$ ./ h2o.inp &>h2o.out&

Since BDF prints the default output to the standard output, we use the Linux redirect command here to redirect the standard output to the file h2o.out

Analysis of the calculation results

After the computation, the files h2o.out , h2o.chkfil , h2o.scforb will be obtained.

  • h2o.out is a text file, user readable, storing the BDF output printing information.

  • h2o.chkfil is a binary file, not user readable, used to pass data between different modules of the BDF; h2o.chkfil is a binary file, not user readable, used to pass data between different modules of the BDF.

  • h2o.scforb is a text file, user-readable, storing information on molecular orbital factors, orbital energies, etc. for self-consistent iterations of scf, mainly used for restarting or as initial guess orbits for other scf calculations.

If the input file is in BDF simple input mode, h2o.out will first give some basic user setup information,

|================== BDF Control parameters ==================|

  1: Input BDF Keywords
    soc=None    scf=rhf    skeleton=True    xcfuntype=None
    xcfun=None    direct=True    charge=0    hamilton=None

  2: Basis sets

  3: Wavefunction, Charges and spin multiplicity
    charge=0    nuclearcharge=10    spinmulti=1

  5: Energy method

  7: Acceleration method

  8: Potential energy surface method


Here, the

  • Input BDF Keywords gives some basic control parameters.

  • Basis set gives the basis set used for the calculation.

  • Wavefunction, Charges and spinmulti gives the system charges, total nuclear charges and spin multiplicity (2S+1).

  • Energy method gives the energy calculation method.

  • Accleration method gives the two-electron integral calculation acceleration method.

  • Potential energy surface method gives the potential energy surface calculation method, here it is a single point energy calculation.

Subsequently, the system executes the **COMPASS**module, which gives the following prompt:


    Start running module compass
    Current time   2021-11-18  11:26:28


The Cartesian coordinates of the input molecular structure in Bohr are then printed, as well as details of the basis functions for each type of atom


 Atom   Cartcoord(Bohr)               Charge Basis Auxbas Uatom Nstab Alink  Mass
  O     0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  8.00    1     0     0     0   E     15.9949
  H     1.889726  0.000000  0.000000  1.00    2     0     0     0   E      1.0073
  H    -0.615235  1.786771  0.000000  1.00    2     0     0     0   E      1.0073


  End of reading atomic basis sets ..
 Printing basis sets for checking ....

 Atomic label:  O   8
 Maximum L  1 6s3p ----> 3s2p NBF =   9
 #--->s function
      Exp Coef          Norm Coef       Con Coef
           322.037000   0.192063E+03    0.059239    0.000000    0.000000
            48.430800   0.463827E+02    0.351500    0.000000    0.000000
            10.420600   0.146533E+02    0.707658    0.000000    0.000000
             7.402940   0.113388E+02    0.000000   -0.404454    0.000000
             1.576200   0.355405E+01    0.000000    1.221562    0.000000
             0.373684   0.120752E+01    0.000000    0.000000    1.000000
 #--->p function
      Exp Coef          Norm Coef       Con Coef
             7.402940   0.356238E+02    0.244586    0.000000
             1.576200   0.515227E+01    0.853955    0.000000
             0.373684   0.852344E+00    0.000000    1.000000

 Atomic label:  H   1
 Maximum L  0 3s ----> 2s NBF =   2
 #--->s function
      Exp Coef          Norm Coef       Con Coef
             5.447178   0.900832E+01    0.156285    0.000000
             0.824547   0.218613E+01    0.904691    0.000000
             0.183192   0.707447E+00    0.000000    1.000000

Subsequently, the molecular symmetry is automatically determined and the rotation to the standard orientation mode is decided according to the user settings.

Auto decide molecular point group! Rotate coordinates into standard orientation!
Threshold= 0.10000E-08 0.10000E-11 0.10000E-03
geomsort being called!
gsym: C02V, noper=    4
Exiting zgeomsort....
Representation generated
Binary group is observed ...
Point group name C(2V)                       4
User set point group as C(2V)
 Largest Abelian Subgroup C(2V)                       4
 Representation generated
 C|2|V|                    2

Symmetry check OK
Molecule has been symmetrized
Number of symmery unique centers:                     2

 Atom   Cartcoord(Bohr)               Charge Basis Auxbas Uatom Nstab Alink  Mass
  O     0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  8.00    1     0     0     0   E     15.9949
  H     1.889726  0.000000  0.000000  1.00    2     0     0     0   E      1.0073
  H    -0.615235  1.786771  0.000000  1.00    2     0     0     0   E      1.0073


 Atom   Cartcoord(Bohr)               Charge Basis Auxbas Uatom Nstab Alink  Mass
  O     0.000000 -0.000000  0.219474  8.00    1     0     0     0   E     15.9949
  H    -1.538455  0.000000 -0.877896  1.00    2     0     0     0   E      1.0073
  H     1.538455 -0.000000 -0.877896  1.00    2     0     0     0   E      1.0073


Careful users may have noticed that the coordinates of the water molecules here are different from the ones entered. Finally, COMPASS generates symmetry adapted orbital and gives the integrable representations to which the dipole and quadrupole moments belong, printing a multiplication table for the C(2v) point group, giving the total number of basis functions and the number of symmetry adapted orbital for each integrable representation.

Number of irreps:    4
IRREP:   3   4   1
DIMEN:   1   1   1

 Irreps of multipole moment operators ...
 Operator  Component    Irrep       Row
  Dipole       x           B1          1
  Dipole       y           B2          1
  Dipole       z           A1          1
  Quadpole     xx          A1          1
  Quadpole     xy          A2          1
  Quadpole     yy          A1          1
  Quadpole     xz          B1          1
  Quadpole     yz          B2          1
  Quadpole     zz          A1          1

 Generate symmetry adapted orbital ...
 Print Multab
  1  2  3  4
  2  1  4  3
  3  4  1  2
  4  3  2  1

          Symmetry adapted orbital

  Total number of basis functions:      13      13

  Number of irreps:   4
  Irrep :   A1        A2        B1        B2
  Norb  :      7         0         4         2

Here, the C(2v) point group has 4 one-dimensional integrable representations, labeled A1, A2, B1, B2 , with 7, 0, 4, 2 symmetrically matched orbitals, respectively.


Different quantum chemistry software may use different molecular standard orientations, resulting in some molecular orbitals being labeled with different integrable representations in different programs.

Finally, the COMPASS calculation ends normally, giving the following output.


    Total cpu     time:          0.00  S
    Total system  time:          0.00  S
    Total wall    time:          0.02  S

    Current time   2021-11-18  11:26:28
    End running module compass


For each module execution of BDF, there will be informaton about the start of the execution and the time printed after the end of the execution, so that it is convenient for the user to locate exactly which calculation module has made an error.

The second module executed in this example is XUANYUAN, which is mainly used to calculate single and double electron integrals. Here, the XUANYUAN module only calculates and stores single-electron integrals and special double-electron integrals that require pre-screening of the integrals. If not specified, the BDF defaults to the direct calculation of the double electron integral to construct the Fock matrix. If user write in compass module the key word Saorb,double electron integral will be calculated and stored. The output of the XUANYUAN module is relatively simple and does not require special attention. Here, we give the most critical output.

  Calculating one electron integrals ...
  S T and V integrals ....
  Dipole and Quadupole integrals ....
  Finish calculating one electron integrals ...

  Timing to calculate 1-electronic integrals

          0.017            0.000               0.000

 Finish calculating 1e integral ...
 Direct SCF required. Skip 2e integral!
 Set significant shell pairs!

 Number of significant pairs:        7
 Timing caluclate K2 integrals.
 CPU:       0.00 SYS:       0.00 WALL:       0.00

From the output we see that the single-electron overlap, kinetic and nuclear attraction integrals are computed, and also the dipole and quadrupole moment integrals are computed. The two-electron integral calculation is ignored because the input requires the default integration to be calculated directly by SCF (Direct SCF).

Finally, the BDF invokes the SCF module to perform the RHF self-consistent field calculation. Information of interest are:

Wave function information ...
Total Nuclear charge    :      10
Total electrons         :      10
ECP-core electrons      :       0
Spin multiplicity(2S+1) :       1
Num. of alpha electrons :       5
Num. of beta  electrons :       5

The nuclear charge number, the total electron number, the core electron number for the pseudopotential calculation, the spin multiplicity, and the alpha and beta electron numbers are given here, and the user should check that the electronic states are correct. Then, the scf module first calculates the atoms and generates the initial guess density matrix for the molecular calculations.

[ATOM SCF control]
 heff=                     0
After initial atom grid ...
Finish atom    1  O             -73.8654283850
After initial atom grid ...
Finish atom    2  H              -0.4961986360

Superposition of atomic densities as initial guess.

checking for possible linear correlations in the treatment of the basis functions.

Check basis set linear dependence! Tolerance =   0.100000E-04

It then proceeds to the SCF iterations, where after 8 iterations of convergence the accelerated convergence methods such as DIIS and Level shift are turned off and the energies are recalculated.

Iter. idiis vshift  SCF Energy    DeltaE     RMSDeltaD    MaxDeltaD   Damping Times(S)
1    0   0.000  -75.465225043  -0.607399386  0.039410497  0.238219747  0.0000   0.00
2    1   0.000  -75.535887715  -0.070662672  0.013896819  0.080831047  0.0000   0.00
3    2   0.000  -75.574187153  -0.038299437  0.004423591  0.029016074  0.0000   0.00
4    3   0.000  -75.583580885  -0.009393732  0.000961664  0.003782740  0.0000   0.00
5    4   0.000  -75.583826898  -0.000246012  0.000146525  0.000871203  0.0000   0.00
6    5   0.000  -75.583831666  -0.000004768  0.000012300  0.000073584  0.0000   0.00
7    6   0.000  -75.583831694  -0.000000027  0.000001242  0.000007487  0.0000   0.00
8    7   0.000  -75.583831694  -0.000000000  0.000000465  0.000002549  0.0000   0.00
diis/vshift is closed at iter =   8
9    0   0.000  -75.583831694  -0.000000000  0.000000046  0.000000221  0.0000   0.00

  Label              CPU Time        SYS Time        Wall Time
 SCF iteration time:         0.017 S        0.017 S        0.000 S

Finally, the energy contributions and the Viry ratios of the different terms are printed.

Final scf result
  E_tot =               -75.58383169
  E_ele =               -84.37566837
  E_nn  =                 8.79183668
  E_1e  =              -121.94337426
  E_ne  =              -197.24569473
  E_kin =                75.30232047
  E_ee  =                37.56770589
  E_xc  =                 0.00000000
 Virial Theorem      2.003738

According to the Virial Theorem, the absolute value of the total potential energy of the system is two times the kinetic energy of the electron for a non-relativistic system, where the Virial ratio is 2.003738. The energy of the system is:

  • E_tot is the total energy of the system, i.e., E_ele + E_nn ;

  • E_ele is the electron energy, i.e. E_1e + E_ee + E_xc ;

  • E_nn is the nuclear repulsion energy;

  • E_1e is the single electron energy, i.e. E_ne + E_kin ;

  • E_ne is the energy of attraction of the nucleus to the electron;

  • E_kin is the electron kinetic energy;

  • E_ee is the two-electron energy, including Coulomb repulsion and exchange energy.

  • E_xc is the exchange-related energy, which is not 0 for DFT calculation.

The output of the energy printout is the occupancy of the orbitals, the orbital energy, the HUMO-LOMO energy and the energy gap, as shown below.

[Final occupation pattern: ]

Irreps:        A1      A2      B1      B2

detailed occupation for iden/irep:      1   1
   1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
detailed occupation for iden/irep:      1   3
   1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
detailed occupation for iden/irep:      1   4
   1.00 0.00
Alpha       3.00    0.00    1.00    1.00

[Orbital energies:]

Energy of occ-orbs:    A1            3
   -20.43281195      -1.30394125      -0.52260024
Energy of vir-orbs:    A1            4
     0.24980046       1.23122290       1.86913815       3.08082943

Energy of occ-orbs:    B1            1
Energy of vir-orbs:    B1            3
     0.34934415       1.19716413       2.03295437

Energy of occ-orbs:    B2            1
Energy of vir-orbs:    B2            1

Alpha   HOMO energy:      -0.47503768 au     -12.92643838 eV  Irrep: B2
Alpha   LUMO energy:       0.24980046 au       6.79741929 eV  Irrep: A1
HOMO-LUMO gap:       0.72483814 au      19.72385767 eV


  • [Final occupation pattern:] gives the orbital occupation. Since we are performing a restricted Hartree-Fock calculation, the occupation is given only for the Alpha orbit, which is given separately according to the integrable representation. From this example, it can be seen that the first 3 of the A1 orbitals and the 1st of the B1 and B2 orbitals are occupied by 1 electron each. Since this example is an RHF, the alpha and beta orbitals are the same, so A1 indicates 3 double-occupied orbitals, and B1 and B2 indicate 1 double-occupied orbital each.

  • [Orbital energies:] The orbital energies are given separately according to the integrable representation.

  • Alpha   HOMO energy: gives the HOMO orbital energy in units au and eV; the integrable representation to which the orbital belongs, in this case B2.

  • Alpha   LUMO energy: the LUMO orbital energy is given in units of au and eV; the integrable representation to which the orbital belongs, in this case A1.

  • HOMO-LUMO gap: gives the energy difference between the HOMO and LUMO orbitals.

In order to reduce the number of output lines, BDF does not print the orbital composition and molecular orbital coefficients by default, but only gives the partial orbital occupation and orbital energy information according to the integrable representation. Only partial orbital occupancies and orbital energy information are given according to the integrable representation categories, as follows.

Symmetry   1 A1

  Orbital          1          2          3          4          5          6
  Energy     -20.43281   -1.30394   -0.52260    0.24980    1.23122    1.86914
  Occ No.      2.00000    2.00000    2.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000

Symmetry   2 A2

Symmetry   3 B1

  Orbital          8          9         10         11
  Energy      -0.66959    0.34934    1.19716    2.03295
  Occ No.      2.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000

Symmetry   4 B2

  Orbital         12         13
  Energy      -0.47504    1.78424
  Occ No.      2.00000    0.00000

The SCF module finally prints the results of Mulliken and Lowdin Bourdin analysis, with information on the dipole moments of the molecules.

[Mulliken Population Analysis]
 Atomic charges:
    1O      -0.7232
    2H       0.3616
    3H       0.3616
    Sum:    -0.0000

[Lowdin Population Analysis]
 Atomic charges:
    1O      -0.4756
    2H       0.2378
    3H       0.2378
    Sum:    -0.0000

[Dipole moment: Debye]
          X          Y          Z
  Elec:-.1081E-64 0.4718E-32 -.2368E+01
  Nucl:0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.5644E-15
  Totl:   -0.0000     0.0000    -2.3684


  1. add the iprtmo keyword to the input of the SCF module with a value of 2 to output detailed information about the molecular orbitals.

2. add the molden keyword to the input of the SCF module to output the molecular orbitals and occupancies as a molden format file, which can be used by third-party programs for visualization or wave function analysis(such as GabEditJMolMoldenMultiwfn), to calculate wavefunction analysis ,or calculate single electron property